Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Stand and Be Counted

Some people are born leaders. Some train for years. Others, by way of the particularities of life experience, rise to accept a challenge and meet their greatness almost haphazardly. I was one of the latter group and now that I have some distance from the initial stages of becoming socially engaged, I can recognize my early acts of activism for what they were – self-serving. I took a reactionary rather than a proactive stance. I fought for myself and the respect that I knew I deserved. It was happenstance that there were a lot of people like me, both black Americans and women, who shared my right to be treated fairly and benefited from my efforts demanding my own respect.

I’d like to draw your attention to a critical distinction: the difference between fighting for justice and working for peace. These terms, while not mutually exclusive, can represent two very different perspectives on similar actions. In the former, one concentrates on a particular injustice, perhaps one you’ve experienced, and struggle for what is right. The latter requires a selfless kind of leadership, one that values the rights of all humanity. The question remains: Will you stand up for just yourself or will you be an advocate for peace?

In retrospect, my defining moments as a peace worker continue to be those that profit my personal causes the least. My opinion piece discussing the former U.S. radio “shock jock” Imus’ misogynistic and racist comments is dwarfed by my family’s choice to stand in solidarity with the gay and lesbian community at DC Pride. Funny how the actions seemingly removed from our own experiences are the ones that truly define us as peacemakers.

This is a challenge, for all who accept it, to upgrade your status as world citizens. Will you stand in solidarity with all peacemakers or only with other peaceful people like yourself? Will you attend a vigil for the Virginia Tech massacre with school alums and grieve with residents in Seoul, Korea about our shared loss of human life? Can you actively confront anti-Semitism and simultaneously support the rights of the Palestinian people? Could you worship among parishioners in your own church and visit a mosque to do the same? You found love and wed your husband. Will you support the rights of a same-sex couple to marry as well? Activism will take us places but it is universal humanitarianism that begets sustainable peace. Coretta did it. Nelson Mandela and Noam Chomsky do it. Peace X Peace is doing it. So what are YOU going to do about it?